Facial & Body Waxing

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The Benefits of a Brazilian Wax

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Throughout the years, women have tried many different techniques to reduce the appearance of unwanted hair, such as shaving, hair removal cream or bleaching. But they’ve expressed frustration that the results didn't last long enough! Shaving or cream will only remove the hair from the surface; thus, you're stuck removing hair constantly. Bleaching is the process of lightening the hair with a cream. Though this method is inexpensive and (hopefully) painless, keep in mind this process only lightens the hair; it doesn’t remove it in any way.  Often, this process makes the hair shinier and more likely to be noticed in the sun.  No one wants to hear “wow, your hair is so shiny” in reference to their upper lip!

Next time you're getting prepped for spring and summer, try Brazilian waxing instead of shaving your body hair. A Brazilian is similar to a bikini wax, only more hair is removed; from belly button to tailbone and everything in between. Though a Brazilian wax can have a few uncomfortable moments, it's well worth it when you wear a bikini to the beach this summer! Most women get their eyebrows, upper lip, and armpits waxed, so why not your bikini area? Here are the reasons why you'll love getting a Brazilian wax:


One key to Brazilian wax success is consistency. To reap the most benefits, it helps to consistently get waxed. When you receive a Brazilian wax every four weeks, the hair will grow back finer and less densely.

Skin Health

Not only does waxing remove body hair, but it also removes dead skin cells. So, you're getting a two for one deal--- getting rid of unwanted hair and exfoliating your skin!

Smoother Skin

Since you're removing hair from the root and exfoliating your skin, your skin will feel smoother.

Longer-Lasting Results

When you remove hair by the root, it will take longer to grow back. It's known that shaving is a temporary fix to your unwanted hair issue, but the hair grows back almost immediately and can often have a thicker appearance.

Less Irritation

You can say goodbye to painful, itchy razor burn!  Unlike shaving, waxing can reduce the thickness of your hair and leave you with smooth, itch-free skin for several weeks.

Hair removal methods such as shaving, bleaching and using creams are inexpensive ways to remove unwanted hair, but the results are usually short-lived and can result in constant skin irritation. So, many women have turned to Brazilian waxing as the solution to their unwanted hair problem. Though Brazilian waxing can be uncomfortable in the moment, the results make it more than worth it. The benefits of waxing include smoother, exfoliated skin and less irritation. Also, when you consistently get a Brazilian wax year-round, the hair will grow back thinner, finer and less often.